Sheri Nagy was born in Bozeman, Montana and she graduated with honors from Montana State University with a B.A. in Fine Arts. From her love of the natural world came the appreciation of shape and color, the drama of light, and the patterns of nature.
Sculpture was her main focus for many years and led to the commission to create the monumental bronze sculpture for the Veterans Memorial Park in Renton, Washington that depicts an Eagle sheltering the world under its wing. The passion for sculpture influences the way she sees a landscape and transformed her oil painting technique so that she uses a palette knife exclusively to carve out the forms in most of her paintings.
Sheri has participated in numerous art shows including the American Artists Professional League, New York, N.Y., the C.M. Russell National Art Show, Great Falls Montana, and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Art Show Denver, Colorado.
Sheri lives in Missoula. Montana. She works primarily in her studio but loves plein air painting outdoors as much as possible.
"The natural world has always been a fascination for me and is the inspiration for my work. I begin at a very early age to express myself creatively in drawing and painting as a way to communicate. From my love of animals and their environment came the appreciation of shape and color, the drama of light and shadow, and the patterns of nature. In my painting and sculpture, I hope to give the viewer a window to the way I see the world and to promote the desire to look again, maybe in a different way."