54th Annual Courthouse Art Festival
August 9th, 2025
Festival Requirements & Guidelines
for Gallery Members
​All Sandpiper Art Gallery & Gifts members in good standing, who have been members for a period of at least six months prior to the Festival, may apply to have their own vendor booth at the Courthouse Art Festival. If you plan to display the same kind of work you sell at the Gallery, you will be automatically accepted. Any other type of art or craft must be juried into the Festival and at least three (3) photos of the items must accompany your application. Sandpiper Art Gallery & Gifts members may also choose to display up to five pieces of work in the SAG booth at the Festival. Please see the Sandpiper Member Festival Booth Consignment Form for more information (which is available to see in the Gallery).
To apply for a booth:
Fill out the application. Please note any special considerations you might need and we will try to accommodate you. Please let us know if your tent is high and needs extra clearance.
Submit a non-refundable application fee of $35. Please note that two or more exhibitors intending to sell their work in the same space must register separately and each must pay the application fee. Only one booth fee will be required. Make checks payable to Sandpiper Art Gallery or pay online via our Gallery website.
Return completed application (with images of work, if required) to the Sandpiper Art Gallery & Gifts, P.O. Box 1163, Polson, MT 59860 or place the application and your application fee in the folder marked ‘Festival’ on the back counter inside the Gallery.
If your application requires images of your work, you may send them via email. Save your digital photos in a .jpg file format and email to: festivals.sandpiperartgallery@gmail.com. Please include your name and show designation “Courthouse” as the subject line of the email.
Exhibitors must supply all materials needed for their display.
Single Festival booths are 10 x 10 feet. Weights are required on tents. No stakes are allowed in the Courthouse lawn.
A flat booth fee of $50 per single booth will be due by July 1, 2025.
Booth Fees: 10'x10' - $50, 10'x20' - $100
No products from kits, commercially produced items, or dealers allowed.
All food products require a food vendor application.
Set-up times: Friday, August 8th, 5-7 pm. Saturday, August 9th, 6-9am.
Show hours: Saturday, August 9th, 10am - 4pm
Returning exhibitors will be assigned to the same booth area unless a change is requested.
Submission Checklist:
Completed application form
Non-refundable Application fee of $35 made payable to Sandpiper Art Gallery & Gifts
If needed, three (3) photos of work and one (1) of booth labeled with artist’s name and category. Images may also be emailed per instructions above.
Mail complete submission package to Sandpiper Art Gallery & Gifts, P.O. Box 1163, Polson, MT 59860
Questions: For additional information please contact Festival Chairperson, DeeAnn Richardson, 406-471-1581 or e-mail festivals.sandpiperartgallery@gmail.com
The money raised during the Art Festival goes towards scholarships for students studying art and for maintenance of the gallery. The Festival is a great opportunity to present your work to the public and make sales. We hope you will apply.